Wedding Gown Preservation is very important to maintain the longevity of your special gown.
Many brides ask, “is it worth it to preserve my dress?” and the answer is yes. Wedding dresses are made up of very delicate materials and made for a special one-time occasion, not repetitive use. This means that they yellow and fray over time, but with preservation, this process can be prevented.
The reason for yellowing of gowns isn’t due to being stored for a long time or being stored improperly, it’s due to stains that were never properly treated when they first occurred. The process of wedding gown preservation goes far beyond a simple cleaning.
I personally went through the process of preserving my special dress, and it was amazing! The company that I went through was “Wedding Gown Preservation Co.” They are a family-owned business and have been around since 1913. They clean and preserve your gown in an organized box, and provide you with gloves in case you ever want to take it out to relive that special day again.

Overall, wedding gown preservation is a must to keep your special dress!
By preserving your gown, you’re allowing for it to be turned into a possible family heirloom as well as a great memory that’s kept in great condition for years to come.
If you would like more info, send us a note at info@wedbridalboutique.com